
首页 arrow 关于我们 arrow Beliefs arrow 中华展望信仰宣言 Statement of Faith


China Horizon


Revision - First draft, January 4, 2008

          The church of Jesus Christ is called by God to be his people and the body of Christ.  The goals of the church are to worship and praise the Triune God, to teach the Word of God for the edification of God’s people, and to witness to the power and grace of the gospel of Jesus Christ through word and deed, for His glory. 
< br />   教会的宣教事工,不论是在同文化或跨越文化的处境,是为了男女老幼信靠基督,离罪归正;为了基督的教会在每一个文化中成熟,兴起能教导,能劝导,能治理的工人;与为了社会、思想、与文化,借上帝的话被改变。
    As she engages in the task of witness in and across cultures, the church labors toward the conversion of men, women and children to saving faith in Christ; the maturing of the Body of Christ in every culture, raising up workers competent to teach, counsel and lead; and the transformation of society, thought and culture, according to the Word of God. 

   中华展望的董事与同工宣告我们有责任宣讲、教导主一次交托给圣徒们的真理。我们承认基督教教义有更完整,更优美的讲述,如《使徒信经》,《尼西亚信经》,《威敏斯特信仰告白要理问答》 (1647),《洛桑信约 》 (1974),《芝加哥圣经无误宣言 》(1978)与《剑桥宣言》 (1996)等;我们也同时接受此信仰宣言,作为我们信仰的总结。 
The Board of Directors and staff of China Horizon affirm our duty to proclaim, teach and defend the truth once delivered to the saints.  Recognizing that there are more complete and excellent expositions of Christian doctrine such as the the Apostles’ Creed , the Nicene Creed, the Westminster Confession and Catechisms (1647), The Lausanne Covenant (1974), and The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978)) and The Cambridge Declaration (1996), we subscribe to the following summary of our Biblical faith.  


1.    《圣经》SCRIPTURE  

《新旧约圣经》是圣灵所默示的,是上帝的话。 《圣经》的原本是完全无谬无误的,不论在信仰,生活,历史或科学方面。 《圣经》对信徒与教会,是唯一最高的权威。唯有上帝的话语能束缚人的良心。基督徒领受《圣经》为上帝自己的话,因为圣灵是《圣经》的作者,祂在《圣经》里与《圣经》同作见证。
The Bible of the Old and New Testaments is the inspired Word of God, is in its entirety infallible and inerrant in its original manuscripts in all it affirms, in matters of faith, conduct, history and science, and is the only supreme authority for every believer and the church.  The Word of God alone can bind the human conscience.  Christians receive the Bible as the Word of God because of the testimony in Scripture and with Scripture by the Holy Spirit, Who is its Author. 

2.    上帝GOD

There is only one true, living and Triune God, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who is infinite, eternal, and unchanging in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth.  The three persons of the Triune God are equal in glory and power, and worthy of worship. 

3.  创造CREATION  
          God created the universe out of nothing by the power of His Word, and created man and woman in His own image to rule over the world for His glory. 

4. 罪SIN  

In Adam’s one sin all mankind sinned and fell into death, and is subject to God’s eternal  judgment and curse.  Only by the grace of God in Christ can men and women be redeemed from sin, and reconciled with God. 

5. 耶穌基督 JESUS CHRIST  

    耶稣基督是上帝的儿子,是上帝永恒的独生子。祂道成肉身,完全是上帝,完全是人,由童贞女所生,在地上活了无罪的一生。祂在十字架上舍命,作代罪的挽回 祭,为上帝子民的罪平息上帝的忿怒。耶稣基督身体从死复活,升到天上,有一天必亲自,神人二性回来,众目可赌,祂必审判活人死人。
Jesus Christ is God the Son, eternally begotten by the Father.  Fully God and fully man, he took on human nature in the Incarnation, was born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life among us.  He died on the cross as a substitutionary, propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of God’s people.  Jesus Christ bodily rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and will physically, visibly and imminently return to judge the living and the dead.


Jesus Christ is the only way to know God and be saved.  Salvation is by the grace of God alone, and received through faith alone. 

7.  新生命THE NEW LIFE  

True repentance and faith will bear the fruit of obedience and good works.  Faith and its fruits are not meritorious before God, but are the results of the Spirit’s gracious work in men and women.  Born again men and women are exhorted and required to live holy lives in obedience to the Word of God, to the glory of God.  The Law of God is the norm for obedience and holy living. 


The Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Christ.   All believers are filled by the Spirit as they yield in repentance and faith to His sovereign and gracious rule.  The Holy Spirit is the giver of all gifts for the work of ministry in the Kingdom of God. 


教会是上帝的子民,基督的身体;上帝设立教会,为要敬拜祂,宣讲祂的话,教导祂的子民,向失丧的人传福音,好叫祂的名得荣耀。所有承认相信基督的 人与他们的儿女,都有权利属于地上有形的教会,从教会领受教导与管教。基督徒的父母亲与教会有责任与他们的儿女祷告,为他们祷告,以上帝的话养育他们,教 导他们敬畏上帝,认识上帝,认罪悔改信靠主耶稣基督。 《圣经》特别吩咐上帝的儿女须关心寡妇,孤儿和寄居者。我们相信历史上所有基督的信徒都同归一体。
The Church is the people of God and the Body of Christ, instituted by God to worship Him, proclaim His Word, instruct His people and evangelize the lost, for His glory.  All who profess faith in Christ, and their children, have the right to belong to the visible church on earth, and to receive her teaching and discipline.  Christian parents and churches are obligated to pray with and for their children, and to bring them up, by the Word of God, to fear and know Him, and to repent and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Bible specially instructs God’s children to care for the widow, orphan and the sojourner in their midst.  We affirm the spiritual unity of all believers in Christ throughout history.

10.    文化CULTURE 

Culture is the product of men and women created in God’s image as they carry out the mandate to manage and rule over the earth.  Culture is man’s response to God’s self-revelation in nature, and not God’s revelation itself.   Thus all culture bears the marks of God’s image.  Since all mankind has fallen in Adam, all cultures have been marred with sin, and are judged in the light of the Word of God. 

当人领受上帝的话,在基督的教会里长进时,圣灵以祂的话光照信徒,带领他们面对,承担他们的文化。在这个过程中,有些文化的因素应被肯定,被保留;有些因 素应被修改,调整在教会事工里使用;有些因素被屏弃,因为它们违背上帝话语的原则。我们拒绝接受任何纯正福音与世俗哲学、宗教或文化混合而成的信念与生活 方式。
As men and women receive the Word of God and mature as the church of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit illumines them by His Word as they view and engage their own culture.  In this process, some elements in culture will be affirmed and retained; some will be modified and adjusted for use in life and ministry; and still others will be rejected as contrary to the principles of the Word of God.  We reject any belief and conduct built on the mixture of the Christian gospel and the philosophies and religions of the world. 
12.    历史HISTORY 

History is the record of God’s redemption of His people, His revelation of truth, and the response of mankind in obedience and disobedience to Him. The meaning of the history of the universe, is that God makes all things in heaven and on earth one in Jesus Christ.  History will be consummated  when Christ returns to gather His people, judge the world, and usher in a new heaven and new earth.


最近更新 ( 2008-12-04 )
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